
Arabic masculine name
Language(s)Arabic: ناصر
Other gender
Meaning'No problem', helper, protector, supporter, victory-maker
Other names
Alternative spellingNaser, Nasser, Nassar, Naseer, Nacer, Nasr
Related namesNasir al-Din, Nasrallah, Nasralla, Nasrollah, Nasiruddin, Nasrullah, Al-Nasrallah

Nasir (Arabic: ناصر, romanized: Nāṣir) is a masculine given name, commonly found in Arabic which can mean "helper" or "one who gives victory" (grammatically the Stem I masculine singular active participle of consonantal verb root n-ṣ-r). The female form of the name is Nasira (Arabic: ناصرة, romanized: Nāṣira). Alternative spellings of this name, possibly due to transliteration, include Naser, Nasser, Naseer, and Nacer.

People with the given name

  • Al-Nasir, Abbasid caliph who ruled from 1158 to 1225
  • Nasir ibn Alnas (also known as An-Nasir ibn Alnas) (died 1088), fifth ruler of the Hammadids in Algeria
  • Nasir ad-Din Qabacha, Muslim Turkic governor of Multan
  • Nasir Jones, professionally known as Nas (born 1973), American rapper, actor, entrepreneur
  • Nasir Adderley (born 1997), American football player
  • Nasir Kazmi (1925–1972), Pakistani Urdu poet
  • Naser Orić (born 1967), Bosnian military officer during the Bosnian War
  • Nasir Gebelli (born 1957), Iranian-American video game developer
  • Nasir al-Din Shah (1831–1896), ruler of Qajar dynasty in present-day Iran
  • Nasir Valika (born 1955), Pakistani cricketer

People with the surname

Fictional characters with the name

  • Nasir, the main character in the video game Lagoon
  • Nasir, character in the TV series Spartacus
  • Nasir, a playable character in both Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and its sequel Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
  • Nasir, a Saracen character played by Mark Ryan in the British 1980s television series Robin of Sherwood (aired in the US as Robin Hood)
  • Nasir Meidan, a fictional character in the Android: Netrunner
  • Nasir Khan, a fictional character in the television miniseries The Night Of

See also

Name list
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