Serabit el-Khadim proto-Sinaitic inscriptions

Serabit sphinx (#345)

The Serabit el-Khadim proto-Sinaitic inscriptions are about 30 early alphabetic inscriptions in proto-Sinaitic script found at or in the vicinity of Serabit el-Khadim on the Sinai Peninsula.


Romanus François Butin of Catholic University of America published articles in the Harvard Theological Review based on the 1927 Harvard Mission to Serabit and the 1930 Harvard-Catholic University Joint Expedition. His article "The Serabit Inscriptions: II. The Decipherment and Significance of the Inscriptions" provides an early detailed study of the inscriptions and some dozen black and white photographs, hand-drawings and analysis of the previously published inscriptions, #346, 349, 350–354, and three new inscriptions, #355–368. At that time, #355 was still in situ at Serabit but had not been photographed by the previous Harvard Mission. In 1932, he wrote:

The present article was begun with the limited purpose of making known the new inscriptions discovered by the Harvard-Catholic University Joint Expedition to Serabit in the spring of 1930. In the course of this study, I perceived that some signs doubtful in the inscriptions already published were made clear by the new slabs, and I decided to go over the entire field again.[1]

Table of inscriptions

All the inscriptions published between 1916 and 1936 were given identification numbers following those of Gardiner's initial 1916 publication. Gardiner's numbers 1–344 were objects from Sinai with unrelated Egyptian inscriptions, so the Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions numbering began at 345. Future scholars continued this numbering scheme for ease of reference.

Name Object Images Location Discovery
Sketch Photo Original Current ID Discoverer Publication
345 Sphinx An inscription An inscription Serabit, Hathor temple British Museum EA41748 1906, Petrie 1916, Gardiner
346 Statuette An inscription An inscription Egyptian Museum 38268
347 Two sphinx heads An inscription An inscription Art & History Museum (Brussels)
348 Unknown An inscription Wadi Magharah Lost 1868, Palmer 1904, Weill
349 Rock panel An inscription An inscription Serabit, Mine L Egyptian Museum 52511 1906, Petrie 1916, Gardiner
350 Rock panel An inscription An inscription 51517
351 Rock panel An inscription An inscription 52514
352 Rock panel An inscription An inscription 52510
353 Rock panel An inscription An inscription 51513 or 52515
354 Rock panel An inscription An inscription 52510 (partly lost)
356 Rock panel An inscription An inscription 51513 or 52515 1927, Lake 1928, Butin
357 Rock panel An inscription An inscription In situ
358 An inscription An inscription Serabit, Mine M
359 An inscription An inscription Unknown Egyptian Museum 52516 1929, Hjelt
360 Slab An inscription An inscription Ridge between Wadi Qattar and Wadi Umm Themeyim 1930, Lake 1932, Butin
361 Small rock An inscription An inscription Serabit, Mine N
362 Lozenge An inscription An inscription Serabit, above Mine L
363 An inscription An inscription Serabit, south of Mine L
364 Fragment An inscription An inscription Serabit, in front of Mine M
365 palimpsest An inscription An inscription Serabit, Egyptian camp
367 Rock panel An inscription An inscription Serabit, south of Mine L
374 An inscription An inscription Serabit, Mine M 65466 1935, Lake 1936, Butin
375 An inscription An inscription 65467
Gerster 1 Wadi Nasb In situ Gerster 1961, Leibovitch
Gerster 2
Disputed (according to Albright):
355 An inscription In situ 1906, Petrie 1916, Gardiner
366 An inscription An inscription 1930, Lake 1932, Butin
368 An inscription An inscription
369 Statuette An inscription
370 An inscription An inscription
371 An inscription An inscription
372 An inscription An inscription
373 An inscription An inscription


  • Petrie, Flinders; Currelly, Charles Trick (1906). Researches in Sinai. ATLA monograph preservation program. John Murray. ISBN 978-0-7905-2421-4. Retrieved 2023-08-13.
  • Gardiner, Alan H. (1916). "The Egyptian Origin of the Semitic Alphabet". The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 3 (1). Egypt Exploration Society: 1–16. doi:10.2307/3853586. ISSN 0307-5133. JSTOR 3853586. Retrieved 2023-08-13.
  • Gardiner, A.H.; Peet, T.E. (1917). The Inscriptions of Sinai: Part 1: Introduction and Plates. Memoirs (Egypt Exploration Society). Egyptian Exploration Fund.
  • Lake, Kirsopp; Blake, Robert P. (1928). "The Serâbît Inscriptions: I. The Rediscovery of the Inscriptions". The Harvard Theological Review. 21 (1). Cambridge University Press: 1–8. doi:10.1017/S0017816000021155. ISSN 0017-8160. JSTOR 1507905. S2CID 161474162. Retrieved 2023-08-13.
  • Butin, Romain F. (1928). "The Serâbît Inscriptions: II. The Decipherment and Significance of the Inscriptions". The Harvard Theological Review. 21 (1). Cambridge University Press: 9–67. doi:10.1017/S0017816000021167. ISSN 0017-8160. JSTOR 1507906. S2CID 163011970. Retrieved 2023-08-13.
  • Butin, Romain F. (1932). "The Protosinaitic Inscriptions". The Harvard Theological Review. 25 (2). Cambridge University Press: 130–203. doi:10.1017/S0017816000001231. ISSN 0017-8160. JSTOR 1507943. S2CID 161237361. Retrieved 2023-08-13.
  • Butin, Romain F.; Starr, Richard Francis Strong (1936). "The New ProtoSinaitic Inscriptions". Excavations and Protosinaitic Inscriptions at Serabit El Khadem: Report of the Expedition of 1935. Studies and documents. Christophers. Retrieved 2023-08-13.
  • Leibovitch, Joseph (1961). "Deux nouvelles inscriptions proto- sinaitiques". Le Muséon (in French). 74. L'Association sans but lucratif "Le Muséon": 461 ff. ISSN 0771-6494. Retrieved 2023-08-13.
  • Rainey, A. F. (1975). "Notes on Some Proto-Sinaitic Inscriptions". Israel Exploration Journal. 25 (2/3). Israel Exploration Society: 106–116. ISSN 0021-2059. JSTOR 27925505. Retrieved 2023-08-13.
  • Beit-Arieh, Itzhak (1982). "New Discoveries at Serâbît el-Khâdîm". The Biblical Archaeologist. 45 (1). The American Schools of Oriental Research: 13–18. doi:10.2307/3209843. ISSN 0006-0895. JSTOR 3209843. S2CID 189473632. Retrieved 2023-08-13.
  • Arieh, Itzhaq Beit; Giveon, Raphael; Saas, Benjamin (1978). "Two previously unknown Proto Sinaitic inscriptions (in: Explorations at Serâbît El-Khâdim — 1977)". Tel Aviv. 5 (3–4). Maney Publishing: 183–187. doi:10.1179/033443578788497659. ISSN 0334-4355.
  • Sass, B. (1988). The Genesis of the Alphabet and Its Development in the Second Millenium B.C. Ägypten und Altes Testament. In Kommission bei O. Harrassowitz. ISBN 978-3-447-02860-8. Retrieved 2023-08-13.


  1. ^ Vol. 25:2 (1932) The Serabit Expedition of 1930: IV. The Protosinaitic Inscriptions