
Surname of Manx origin.

Shimmin is a surname of Manx origin. The name is derived from the Manx Gaelic McSimeen, meaning "little Simon's son". Early records of the name include, MacSimon in 1366, MacShemine in 1430, and Shimin in 1614.[1]

Shimmin may refer to:


  • Beth Shimmin (born 1987), Australian, a netball player.
  • Dominic Shimmin (born 1987), English, a footballer.
  • John Shimmin, former Manx politician.
  • Christopher R. Shimmin (1870–1933), Manx playwright and MHK.
  • Thomas Shimmin (1800–1879), Manx, a rag gatherer and poet.



  1. ^ Reaney, Percy Hilde; Wilson, Richard Middlewood (2006). A Dictionary of English Surnames (3rd ed.). London: Routledge. p. 2826. ISBN 0-203-99355-1.
Surname list
This page lists people with the surname Shimmin.
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