
32°43′05″N 35°34′19″E / 32.717958°N 35.571864°E / 32.717958; 35.571864SejarahPeriodeZaman Helenistik - Perang SalibCatatan situsArkeologNa'im Makhouly, Benjamin Mazar, Michael Avi-Yonah, Moshe Sheteklis, Emanuel Dunayevsky, Pesach Bar-Adon, P.L.O. Guy, Ruth Amiran, Rafi Greenberg
Artikel ini tentang zaman Helenistik sampai Ayyubiyah di wilayah Khirbet Kerak. Untuk periode sebelumnya, lihat Khirbet Kerak.

Ash-Shinnabra atau Sinn en-Nabra, adalah sebuah situs sejarah di pantai selatan Laut Galilea, Israel.[1] Situs kuno tersebut terbentang di perbukitan yang dekat dengan ujung selatan Laut Galilea


  1. ^ Josephus, Flavius; Mason, Steve (2003). Life of Josephus (edisi ke-Reprint, illustrated). Brill. hlm. 193. ISBN 978-0-391-04205-6. 

Daftar pustaka

  • Gil, Moshe (1997). A history of Palestine, 634-1099. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-59984-9. 
  • David Pearson Wright; David Noel Freedman; Avi Hurvitz (1995). Jacob Milgrom; David Pearson Wright; David Noel Freedman; Avi Hurvitz, ed. Pomegranates and golden bells: studies in biblical, Jewish, and Near Eastern ritual, law, and literature in honor of Jacob Milgrom (edisi ke-Illustrated). Eisenbrauns. ISBN 978-0-931464-87-4. 
  • Peregrine, Peter N.; Ember, Melvin, ed. (2001). "Encyclopedia of Prehistory: Volume 8: South and Southwest Asia". Encyclopedia of Prehistory. 8 : South and Southwest Asia. London: Human Relations Area Files Inc. ISBN 0-306-46262-1. 
  • Whitcomb, Donald (2009). "From Pastoral Peasantry to Tribal Urbanites: Arab Tribes and the Foundation of the Islamic State in Syria" (PDF). Dalam Jeffrey Szuchman. Nomads, Tribes and the State in the Ancient Near East. hlm. 241. ISBN 978-1-885923-61-5. Diarsipkan dari versi asli (PDF) tanggal 2011-06-13. Diakses tanggal 2019-10-14. 
  • Emanuel Eisenberg et al., Bet Yerah, the Early Bronze Age Mound: v. 1: Excavation Reports 1933-1986, Israel Antiquities Authority, 2006, ISBN 965-406-197-X
  • le Strange, Guy (1890), Palestine Under the Moslems: A Description of Syria and the Holy Land from A.D. 650 to 1500, Committee of the Palestine Exploration Fund 

Pranala luar

  • Tel Bet Yerah 2007, 2009 Preliminary Report