Lest Darkness Fall

Lest Darkness Fall
Informații generale
AutorL. Sprague de Camp
Subiectistorie alternativă
Ediția originală
Titlu original
Lest Darkness Fall
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EditurăHenry Holt and Company
Țara primei apariții Statele Unite ale Americii Modificați la Wikidata
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Lest Darkness Fall este un roman științifico-fantastic din 1941 scris de L. Sprague de Camp.


Atenție: urmează detalii despre narațiune și/sau deznodământ.

Martin Padway, un american, vizitează Panteonul din Roma în anul 1938. La un moment dat, din cauza trăsnetelor ajunge accidental în trecut (în 535 î.Hr.) unde încearcă să protejeze regatul italian de invaziile barbare prin invenții anacronice.


Legături externe

  • "Has Queen Amalasuntha Been Assassinated Yet? L. Sprague de Camp’s Lest Darkness Fall" - book review by Jo Walton
  • "Belated Reviews #16: 'Lest Darkness Fall' and L. Sprague de Camp" - book review by Dani Zweig
  • A response to Dani Zweig's review by George H. Armstrong

Vezi și

v  d  m
Opera literară a lui L. Sprague de Camp
  • "Finished" (1949)
  • "Perpetual Motion" (1950)
  • The Queen of Zamba (1949)
  • "Calories" (1951)
  • The Hand of Zei (1950)
  • The Hostage of Zir (1977)
  • The Prisoner of Zhamanak (1982)
  • The Virgin of Zesh (1953)
  • The Bones of Zora (1983)
  • The Tower of Zanid (1958)
  • The Swords of Zinjaban (1991)
  • The Stones of Nomuru (1988)
  • The Venom Trees of Sunga (1992)
  • "The Animal-Cracker Plot" (1949)
  • "The Colorful Character" (1949)
  • The Continent Makers (1951)
  • "The Galton Whistle" (1951)
  • "Git Along!" (1950)
  • "The Inspector's Teeth" (1950)
  • Rogue Queen (1951)
  • "Summer Wear" (1950)
  • The Continent Makers and Other Tales of the Viagens (1953)
  • The Virgin of Zesh & The Tower of Zanid (1983)
Harold Shea
(cu Fletcher Pratt
și alții)
de Camp/
  • "The Roaring Trumpet" (1940)
  • "The Mathematics of Magic" (1940)
  • The Castle of Iron (1941/50)
  • The Wall of Serpents (1953)
  • The Green Magician (1954)
  • Sir Harold and the Gnome King (1990)
  • Sir Harold of Zodanga (1995)
  • The Incomplete Enchanter (1941)
  • Wall of Serpents (1960)
  • The Compleat Enchanter (1975)
  • The Complete Compleat Enchanter (1989)
  • The Enchanter Reborn (1992)
  • The Exotic Enchanter (1995)
  • The Mathematics of Magic (2007)
  • The Tritonian Ring (1951)
  • "The Eye of Tandyla" (1951)
  • "The Owl and the Ape" (1951)
  • "The Hungry Hercynian" (1953)
  • "The Stone of the Witch Queen" (1977)
  • "Ka the Appalling" (1958)
  • "The Rug and the Bull" (1974)
  • "The Stronger Spell" (1953)
Seria Novaria
  • "The Emperor's Fan" (1973)
  • The Fallible Fiend (1973)
  • The Goblin Tower (1968)
  • The Clocks of Iraz (1971)
  • The Unbeheaded King (1983)
  • The Honorable Barbarian (1989)
  • The Reluctant King (1985)
  • The Incorporated Knight (1987)
  • The Pixilated Peeress (1991)
seria Conan
(cu Robert E. Howard
și alții)
  • Conan and the Spider God (1980)
  • Conan of the Isles (1968)
  • Conan the Barbarian (1982)
  • Conan the Buccaneer (1971)
  • Conan the Liberator (1979)
  • The Return of Conan (1957)
  • "Black Sphinx of Nebthu" (1973)
  • "The Treasure of Tranicos" (1953)
  • "Black Tears" (1968)
  • "The Blood-Stained God" (1955)
  • "The Castle of Terror" (1969)
  • "The City of Skulls" (1967)
  • "The Curse of the Monolith" (1968)
  • "Drums of Tombalku" (1966)
  • The Flame Knife (1955/81)
  • "The Frost Giant's Daughter" Conan (1953)
  • "The Gem in the Tower" (1978)
  • "The God in the Bowl" (1952)
  • "The Hall of the Dead" (1967)
  • "Hawks Over Shem" (1955)
  • "The Ivory Goddess" (1978)
  • "The Lair of the Ice Worm" (1969)
  • "Legions of the Dead" (1978)
  • "Moon of Blood" (1978)
  • "The People of the Summit" (1970/78)
  • "Red Moon of Zembabwei" (1974)
  • "The Road of the Eagles" (1955)
  • "Shadows in the Dark" (1978)
  • "Shadows in the Skull" (1975)
  • "The Snout in the Dark" (1969)
  • "The Star of Khorala" (1978)
  • "The Thing in the Crypt" (1967)
  • "The Witch of the Mists" (1972)
  • "Wolves Beyond the Border" (1967)
  • Conan (1967)
  • The Conan Chronicles (1989)
  • The Conan Chronicles 2 (1990)
  • Conan of Aquilonia (1977)
  • Conan of Cimmeria (1969)
  • Conan the Adventurer (1966)
  • Conan the Avenger (1968)
  • Conan the Freebooter (1968)
  • Conan the Swordsman (1978)
  • Conan the Usurper (1967)
  • Conan the Wanderer (1968)
  • Sagas of Conan (2004)
  • Tales of Conan (1955)
  • The Treasure of Tranicos (1980)
Alte scrieri de
ficțiune speculativă
  • The Carnelian Cube (1948)
  • Genus Homo (1950)
  • The Glory That Was (1960)
  • The Great Fetish (1978)
  • Land of Unreason (1942)
  • Lest Darkness Fall (1941)
  • None but Lucifer (1939)
  • Solomon's Stone (1942)
  • "Aristotle and the Gun" (1958)
  • "The Blue Giraffe" (1939)
  • "The Command" (1938)
  • "The Contraband Cow" (1942)
  • "Cornzan the Mighty" (1955)
  • "Divide and Rule" (1939)
  • "The Egg" (1956)
  • "Employment" (1939)
  • "The Gnarly Man" (1939)
  • "The Guided Man" (1952)
  • "A Gun for Dinosaur" (1956)
  • "The Hardwood Pile" (1940)
  • "The Hibited Man" (1949)
  • "Hyperpilosity" (1938)
  • "In-Group" (1952)
  • "Internal Combustion" (1956)
  • "The Isolinguals" (1937)
  • "Judgment Day" (1955)
  • "Let's Have Fun" (1957)
  • "Living Fossil" (1939)
  • "The Merman" (1938)
  • "Nothing in the Rules" (1939)
  • "The Reluctant Shaman" (1947)
  • "The Saxon Pretender" (1952)
  • "The Space Clause" (1952)
  • "The Stolen Dormouse" (1941)
  • "Throwback" (1949)
  • "The Wheels of If" (1940)
  • Aristotle and the Gun (2002)
  • The Best of L. Sprague de Camp (1978)
  • Divide and Rule (1948)
  • Footprints on Sand (1981)
  • A Gun for Dinosaur (1963)
  • The Purple Pterodactyls (1980)
  • The Reluctant Shaman (1970)
  • Rivers of Time (1993)
  • Scribblings (1972)
  • Sprague de Camp's New Anthology (1953)
  • Tales from Gavagan's Bar (1953/78)
  • The Undesired Princess (1951)
  • The Virgin & the Wheels (1976)
  • The Wheels of If (1948)
  • Years in the Making (2005)
  • The Dragon of the Ishtar Gate (1961)
  • The Arrows of Hercules (1965)
  • An Elephant for Aristotle (1958)
  • The Bronze God of Rhodes (1960)
  • The Golden Wind (1969)
de ficțiune
  • Conan Cuceritorul (1967)
  • Conan the Warrior (1967)
  • The Wolf Leader (1950)
Istorie și
  • The Ancient Engineers (1963)
  • Ancient Ruins and Archaeology (1964)
  • Antarctic Conquest (1949)
  • The Ape-Man Within (1995)
  • Darwin and His Great Discovery (1972)
  • The Day of the Dinosaur (1968)
  • Elephant (1964)
  • Energy and Power (1962)
  • Engines (1959)
  • The Evolution of Naval Weapons (1947)
  • The Fringe of the Unknown (1983)
  • Great Cities of the Ancient World (1972)
  • The Great Monkey Trial (1968)
  • The Heroic Age of American Invention (1961)
  • Inventions and Their Management (1937)
  • Man and Power (1961)
  • The Ragged Edge of Science (1980)
  • Rubber Dinosaurs and Wooden Elephants (1996)
  • Spirits, Stars, and Spells (1966)
  • The Story of Science in America (1967)
Critică literară
și biografii
  • Blond Barbarians and Noble Savages (1975)
  • The Conan Reader (1968)
  • Dark Valley Destiny (1983)
  • Lands Beyond (1952)
  • Literary Swordsmen and Sorcerers (1976)
  • Lost Continents (1954)
  • Lovecraft: A Biography (1975)
  • The Miscast Barbarian (1975)
  • Science-Fiction Handbook (1953/75)
  • Time and Chance (1996)
Editor de
Mai mulți
  • The Blade of Conan (1979)
  • The Conan Grimoire (1972)
  • The Conan Swordbook (1969)
  • The Spell of Conan (1980)
Un singur
  • To Quebec and the Stars (1976)
  • Demons and Dinosaurs (1970)
  • Heroes and Hobgoblins (1981)
  • Phantoms and Fancies (1972)
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