
40°45′41″N 73°58′24″W / 40.761388888889°N 73.973333333333°W / 40.761388888889; -73.973333333333起造1981竣工日1984造价11亿美元(截至2013年1月)[1]托建方美国电话电报公司所有者奥拉扬集团英语Olayan Group高度高度197 米屋顶647英尺(197米)技术细节层数37设计与建造建筑师菲力普·強生约翰·伯奇网站https://550madison.com地圖地图

麦迪逊大道550号(英語:550 Madison Avenue),原名索尼大厦(Sony Tower)、索尼广场(Sony Plaza)、AT&T大厦(AT&T Building),是一栋高647英尺(197米) 、37层的摩天大楼,位于纽约市曼哈顿麦迪逊大道550号,介于55街、56街之间[2]。它曾是索尼美国公司的总部[1][3]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Sony sells Manhattan headquarters skyscraper for $1.1bn. BBC News. January 18, 2013 [January 18, 2013]. (原始内容存档于2019-02-19). The firm will also record a windfall profit in its accounts, as the building is being sold at a gain of £685m, compared with the price that Sony originally paid for it in 2002. The firm said that it will continue to lease the building back for another three years following the sale, which is expected to be completed in March. The skyscraper houses 1,500 Sony employees, including its music and films businesses. 
  2. ^ Sony Tower. Emporis.com. [July 12, 2008]. (原始内容存档于2008-03-17). 
  3. ^ Postmodernism is dead. Prospect Magazine. July 20, 2011 [January 18, 2013]. (原始内容存档于2012-05-11). 


  • Dirk Stichweh: New York Skyscrapers. Prestel Publishing Company, Munich 2009, ISBN 3-7913-4054-9


  • in-Arch.net: The Sony Building
  • Photos and additional information at Galinsky.com (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  • Photos by Johnson Burgee (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  • Sony Wonder Technology Lab